Are you looking for an online personal trainer? Do you want to sculpt your body, lose weight, improve your health, or all three? Then you’ve come to the right place.
We know what you’ve been through in your search for a high quality online personal trainer. No matter if you’re seeking to build muscle, lose weight, or just improve your general health and get in better shape, there's a good chance that you've looked at your options and then just thrown up your hands and decided that you're on your own, because personal training can cost so much.
You’ve probably checked out various online training and workout programs that promise to help you change your body. But they tend to be very generic, and they try to be all things to all people. In other words, they’re being promoted as if they’re right for every person and all the many different body types in America, no matter a person’s age, sex, weight, or circumstances.
But the truth is, they’re actually designed for no one in particular, and they can never take the place of a custom training program developed by a professional, who can design a nutrition and workout program around your unique circumstances - your lifestyle, your body, and your specific challenges and goals. It’s obvious that those one size fits all approaches aren’t going to work for very many people. On top of that, there’s no chance you would receive the personal attention and support that are absolutely critical to your success. No exaggeration - people who work with a professional trainer when they decide to improve their health and build a better body are much more likely to succeed than people who go it alone.
How is this possible? It's all because of mobile phones and the internet. Yes, thanks to the wonders of technology, you can now receive personalized, high quality personal training, from nationally certified personal trainers, at a fraction of what you would expect to pay, and with a lot less time and inconvenience on your part.
It may seem hard to believe, but you really can receive the same expert, detailed guidance as you would if you hired your own professional to come to your home or gym every week, but without spending $60 to $100 an hour. Or even more--nationwide, the average cost of a personal trainer is $55 an hour, but many people are actually paying more than $100 an hour.
Don't get me wrong--I'm not knocking fitness trainers for making good money from their hard work, knowledge, and experience. Good trainers deserve every penny they earn by helping people build better bodies and improve their health. For example, between the two of us, Heather and I have been training people for over 43 years, and we’ve helped countless clients achieve some amazing results.
When you sign up for one of our Feldman Fitness online personal training packages, we will work with you, personally, to design a program that’s just right for you, and your specific needs and goals. Our training won’t be an off the rack, one size fits all program. Instead, based on where you are right now in your health and fitness journey, your lifestyle, and what you want to accomplish, we’ll create a custom plan designed to help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible.
Because we’ll help you work on all three areas to make sure you get it right. One of the very first things we’ll do is run a full scale nutrition audit. Food is the fuel your body runs on, and your body has got to have the right kinds of fuel if you want it to perform at its top capacity. Anyone who says you can achieve your best health without eating right is simply wrong. Good eating habits are a must.
Of course, exercise is also an essential key when it comes to remaking your body, and we’ve got you covered there. Heather and I have been custom designing personal workout plans for clients for decades, and we’ve got this down to a science. Actually, we’ve got it down to both a science and an art, because crafting a program that’s just right for each person can’t be reduced to merely science. Simply put, we take the time to analyze where you are right now and where you want to be, and then, based on our extensive knowledge and decades of experience, we come up with a workout plan that will help you get there.
Online Personal Trainer
Simply “exercising” or “working out” isn’t enough. You’ve got to have a plan. More importantly, it’s got to be a highly personalized plan, one built around you - your body, your goals, and your precise situation. Heather and I will take into account many different factors that are unique to you and can’t be taken into consideration by a one size fits all program. These factors include your weight, your general health, any specific health concerns or conditions you’re dealing with, your schedule and how much free time you have, whether you want to work out at home or at a gym, what equipment you have access to, and your specific goals. And don’t worry if you’re not exactly sure what your goals should be. We can help you with that, too.
Having a custom workout designed just for you is important in more ways than one. Naturally, it’s going to be much more effective than following a program you saw online or read about in a magazine but wasn’t built around you. A lot of these get a lot of hype, but there’s just no way they can be nearly as effective as a custom nutrition and workout plan.
When we say your program will be built around you, we’re not just making vague, empty promises. We mean it. Because, even with coaching, if a person hates a fitness program, or they don’t have the time or equipment needed to follow it, they’re probably going to give up. That’s simply a fact, and that’s why we will work hard to build a program that’s just right for you.
Because we want you to succeed – after all, your success is our success. And with decades of experience helping people get in shape and change their lives, we know how critically important it is to focus on the kinds of exercises that a person enjoys, because they’re much more likely to stick with the program. We have literally hundreds of different exercises to choose from, based on your needs and likes. So, don’t worry - if you hate burpees, there won’t be any burpees in your online training program. Can’t make it to a gym? No problem – we’ll design a program that you can do right at home.
Another important factor when it comes to your online personal training is flexibility. A working mom with three kids simply doesn’t have the same amount of free time as someone who’s retired, and their training plans will reflect their individual lifestyles and schedules, which means they’ll be quite different. And because they’re different, each one will be much more effective for the individual client.
And don’t worry if your schedule changes abruptly – because we work with you personally, and interact with you regularly, if something changes at the last minute we can take that into consideration when developing your future workouts. You’ll be checking in with Heather or myself either daily or weekly on your phone app, and you’ll be keeping a log of your workouts, and we’ll review them to make sure you stay on track.
Until now, this level of personal attention and guidance has been out of reach for many people, due to the cost. But now you really can get the benefit of having your own personal fitness trainer without having to spend an arm and a leg. With Feldman Fitness online personal training, you’ll be getting a program that has been custom designed using our decades of experience, that addresses both nutrition and exercise, takes your own likes and dislikes into account, adjusts for your lifestyle and schedule, provides feedback, accountability, and motivation, all at a remarkably affordable price. So pick the package that’s right for you, and get started on your physical transformation today!
No need to text or email. This will be your direct connection to Chad or Heather.
This will be the actual app icon (our logo) for your device!
Our app contains hundreds of exercises including videos so you actually see the exact movement in full detail so there's no confusion.
Chad or Heather will tailor your workout specifically for you and your goals!
This will display activity by the week including your nutrition.
This will be your actual training/exercise schedule to insure our expectations are clear.
* Customized meal plan according to your height, weight, age, body type and overall goals.
*24/7 access to Feldman Fitness App
* Meal Plan allergy options: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegetarian.
*Comprehensive breakdown of what to eat for every meal and snacks.
*Complete grocery list.
* Recipes that match your personal goals.
**PLEASE NOTE** The $195 program will not include any messaging or accountability check-ins. If you have technical issues with the app, email me directly at chad@feldmanfitness.com. You will submit progress pictures through the app as it's outlined in your calendar in the
**PLEASE NOTE** The $195 program will not include any messaging or accountability check-ins. If you have technical issues with the app, email me directly at chad@feldmanfitness.com. You will submit progress pictures through the app as it's outlined in your calendar in the app.
8 Week Training Program Includes:
*Option of beginners or advanced workouts.
*Option of your gym or home workouts.
*24/7 access to the Feldman Fitness App accessing daily workouts.
*7 days of educational videos to start the program with confidence.
7 Day Customized Meal Plan Includes:
*Customized macro count according to your height, weight, age, body type and overall goals.
*Meal Plan allergy options: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegetarian.
* Comprehensive breakdown of what to eat for every meal and snack including macro totals.
*Complete grocery list.
* Recipes that match your macros.
*$50/month renewal option to continue training with us month-to-month after the challenge ends. Includes four weeks of workouts, and continued support and new workouts.
*Option of beginners or advanced workouts.
*Option of your gym or home workouts.
*24/7 access to the Feldman Fitness App accessing daily workouts.
*Bi-weekly check-ins with us and my team to make sure you are staying motivated.
*Macro adjustments as needed.
*Monthly progress pictur
*Option of beginners or advanced workouts.
*Option of your gym or home workouts.
*24/7 access to the Feldman Fitness App accessing daily workouts.
*Bi-weekly check-ins with us and my team to make sure you are staying motivated.
*Macro adjustments as needed.
*Monthly progress pictures and measurement reviews.
7 Day Customized Meal Plan Includes:
*Customized macro count according to your height, weight, age, body type and overall goals.
*Meal Plan allergy options: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegetarian.
*Comprehensive breakdown of what to eat for every meal and snack including macro totals.
*Complete grocery list.
*Recipes that match your macros.
*$50/month renewal option to continue training with us month-to-month after the challenge ends. Includes four weeks of workouts, and continued support and new workouts.
*Option of beginners or advanced workouts.
*Option of your gym or home workouts.
*24/7 access to the Feldman Fitness App accessing daily workouts.
*24/7 access to Chad & Heather Feldman.
*DAILY check-ins with us and to make sure you are staying motivated.
*Macro/Nutrient adjust
*Option of beginners or advanced workouts.
*Option of your gym or home workouts.
*24/7 access to the Feldman Fitness App accessing daily workouts.
*24/7 access to Chad & Heather Feldman.
*DAILY check-ins with us and to make sure you are staying motivated.
*Macro/Nutrient adjustments as needed.
*Monthly progress pictures and measurement reviews.
7 Day Customized Meal Plan Includes:
*Customized macro count according to your height, weight, age, body type and overall goals.
*Meal Plan allergy options: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegetarian.
*Comprehensive breakdown of what to eat for every meal and snack including macro totals.
*Complete grocery list.
*Recipes that match your macros.
*$50/month renewal option to continue training with us month-to-month after the challenge ends. Includes four weeks of workouts, and continued support and new workouts.
*Continue training month-to-month with full 24/7 access to the Feldman Fitness Online
Trainer App.
*Includes 24/7 access to Chad or Heather Feldman.
*Workouts will be available in your app the Monday following y
*Continue training month-to-month with full 24/7 access to the Feldman Fitness Online
Trainer App.
*Includes 24/7 access to Chad or Heather Feldman.
*Workouts will be available in your app the Monday following your purchase.
*Month-to-month training does include diet/meal planner with frequent adjustments as
needed to current nutrition regimen.
Copyright © 2024 Feldman Fitness LLC - All Rights Reserved.
*Feldman Fitness LLC is not to be a substitute for medical, psychological advise or counseling. Therefore, you should consult a physician and/or mental health professional regarding your individual physical and mental needs before undertaking a diet, exercise or fitness program. Results from Feldman Fitness LLC may vary.
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